Talking about the positive impact in El Salvador


The global sustainability crisis is threatening life and the future of our planet as we know it. Solving this crisis calls for nothing short of a transformation at every level of society as we radically and rapidly convert our current economy, systems, and society from degenerative to regenerative, life-threatening to life-sustaining. This is why we want you to meet Wilber. He is the coordinator of Torogoz Youth Network in El Salvador. Since attending Actívate - SERES community congress - in 2015, Wilber has been attending all our programs and he is a key player. Together with the Torogoz Youth Network, they have organized more than 3 community congresses.  Wilber has been part of our entrepenuership programs and that motivated him to give life to a program that focuses on strengthening the skills and abilities in the basic use of digital programs such as the Microsoft Suite to girls, boys, adolescents, youth and the general population. 

“My experience has been enriching since I have met many young people who are working in their communities. That makes me feel that I am not alone and that more people from different contexts  are creating opportunities.”

Through our Sustainable Livelihoods program - a design of productive systems that respond to human needs without degrading our natural environment - Wilber was part of a group that generated ideas and solutions to a specific problem and that were included in the final design of a training center in Alegría, Usulután.

“By participating in the different programs that SERES offers, I have acquired new knowledge and strengthened my leadership. It is a multidisciplinary role that requires many skills, such as being open and listening to others".

One of the biggest changes in Wilber's life is having an environmental awareness, knowing that all of his actions will have an impact and the strengthening of his leadership skills.

“I describe my leadership as DYNAMIC. If I have an idea, I share it with others, and together we discuss to reach agreements, I consider myself a facilitator in the leadership role.”

One of the benefits for young people who get involved with SERES  is the perception society has of them. Youth achieves recognition; it opens new doors.

"SERES gave me a chance and put their trust in me. They gave me great opportunities to grow and now I feel satisfied with who I am and with being part os SERES!” 

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Climate change: small actions lead to big changes


Education: a top priority